House oversight committee phone number
House oversight committee phone number

house oversight committee phone number

could have had a real discussion of how to make health care more competitive, more transparent, more cost effective and with better quality of care. i know that's what our side is going to try to do. we could have had a productive discussion today about real health care policy. this hearing is just another attack on president trump, and it's disappointing. this hearing is about trying to manufacture a controversy based on anonymous sources and news reports. make no mistake, this isn't about serious congressional oversight. worked for months to cut down red tape, make improvements to how affordable generic drugs come to market. next door in the judiciary committee, we reported out milli multiple bills that would have had meaningful impact on the cost of pripgescription drugs. rather than working toward bipartisan solutions, this committee is once again looking to score political points by attacking anything the trump administration does to improve the health care for american people.

house oversight committee phone number

i was hoping we could focus on those issues, but unfortunately, like so many other hearings in this committee, we're not. there's no one on this committee who would support denying coverage to americans with pre-existing conditions. i was hoping today that we could have a discuss about real solutions that will make the lives of everyday americans better, talk about the costs of health care, access to health care, coverage, pre-existing conditions. i, too, want to thank our witnesses for making the trek here and being willing to share their story.

House oversight committee phone number